the Jill Saunders blog

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Hi dear friends! It’s been a long time since I’ve shared a blog. I hope this finds you well. I’m prompted to share today about my walking summer, and what a beautiful reset it has been for me. I don’t know what happened coming off the winter. I got off center. Really busy at work, […]


My Walking Summer

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Oh my. Tyler graduates from the University of Wisconsin, Madison this weekend. How can that be? Like my friend described, we may need to strap him to the car rooftop to end his time at Madison, he has loved it there! Last Saturday morning I was checking my Instagram feed, and saw a post that […]


On Tyler! & A God Wink

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For those of you close to me, you know I have a son, Tyler, who is a senior at the University of Wisconsin Madison. It’s a big week for him, he finds out his MCAT results. I’d like to tell you a little story about him that I think is inspiring, and one I know […]


No Plan B

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Have you ever learned something that is a game-changer? Then, in your appreciation of how it has helped you, you want to let others know? That’s where I am today crew, I want to let you in on a little secret about HeartMath® tools and science. HeartMath has been researching the science of coherence, and […]


HeartMath®: Tools and Science for Increased Resilience

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I went to Sebastian Joe’s for dinner on Monday night. An ice cream cone sounded perfect. I was in the office during the day, so picture me showered with a cute new top on as I head in to get my cone. I ordered my Pavarotti cone, and headed out to the patio to enjoy […]


I think he was flirting…

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I was meditating this morning, and had a dash of clarity that I want to share with you. I have a daily practice of visioning my desires and aspirations, and declaring what I desire to create in my life. It’s a fun and joyful practice, and I really look forward to it daily. The clarity […]


Flex Your BELIEVING Muscle

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Welcome back to the Summer 2021 RESET process! I appreciate your kind notes, and truly hope you are inspired or nudged to take action towards RESETTING. This week, let’s explore a really important step, taking INSPIRED, MESSY, IMPERFECT action. If you have been following along, I’m hoping you have gained clarity on what’s whispering and […]


Reset Practice #6: Take Inspired, Messy, Imperfect Action

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Welcome Back to the Summer 2021 RESET! This week, I’d like to share some tips and insights on this topic of DREAMING. The Summer 2021 process is following three steps: Silence the Noise Declare What’s Most Important Take Inspired, Messy, Imperfect Action Dreaming falls under the step of Declaring What’s Most Important. Let’s be honest, […]


Reset Practice #5: Dare to Dream

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Welcome to Practice #3: Listening to Life’s Whispers! For those of you just joining, over the last two weeks, I’ve been blogging about practices to help with a little Summer 2021 Reset. The Summer 2021 Reset is following these three steps: Silence the Noise Declare What’s Most Important Take Inspired, Messy, Imperfect Action The posts […]


Reset Practice #3: Listening to Life’s Whispers

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I was talking to a dear friend last week, and she shared with me that she would like to have a life reset. Do you know the feeling? When I tune into my life, I want a reset too. I want a summer of restoring, replenishing, resting, creating, connections, play. As I listened to her […]


The Reset

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