Hi dear friends! It’s been a long time since I’ve shared a blog. I hope this finds you well. I’m prompted to share today about my walking summer, and what a beautiful reset it has been for me.
I don’t know what happened coming off the winter. I got off center. Really busy at work, and probably using my downtime in ways that are unproductive. So not as connected to my creative flow.
Then spring came. And something in me decided to start walking more. So I’ve been walking. This glorious walk from my house around Lake Harriet and back. It’s just a little over 10k steps. It’s like there is just something in me that wants to walk and walk. It’s so green. Can you feel green? Lush green, blue skies, sparkling water, view of the Minneapolis skyline. I love it.
Sometimes I listen to podcasts, sometimes to music, sometimes I talk to loved ones, sometimes I’m in silence, sometimes I walk with friends. I’ve been called to walk. So I’ve been walking. And in the process, I’m walking back home to me. I’m finding me again, and what feels good and brings me joy, and feels healthy and restorative. My creative flow is finding me again.
I’m remembering how this connection of our feet on the ground can anchor us in to what is truly most important. I wish I could describe better this feeling of being in my body, really here and grounded, and also feeling an inner burst of “I’m in here, it’s me again!” What I’ve loved about it is that it hasn’t been a rush. I never knew when I started this walking practice that I needed it so much. Here’s what I wrote the other day about it:

So dear friends, I’m realizing this Universe knows we live in a wild that can get us off course, and crabby, and fatigued, and worried. All of it. But if we listen, if we listen really closely to what we really need, it will lead us back home to all we really need, our inner peace, joy, contentment, creativity, community, love. If you ever want to walk with me, I’d love it. Here’s some of the view…

Keep walking home my friends, xo,
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