Happy New Year dear friends. My wish for you, and for me, is that this new year can be filled with miracles. It’s been a hard stretch, and a few more miracles are just in order.
About this saying on giving up on all planning. When I think back on the last year, I’ve realized that my very best moments were unplanned. The moments with Tyler, being with family & friends, getting lost in a creative project, loving nature. One of the gifts of these crazy times is that I’ve been intentional about following my joy in the moment. I’ve done my best to choose what feels good. I couldn’t have planned the really good stuff that happened.
So, what if in this new year, you gave yourself a break on making all the plans, and left plenty of room for the unplanned miracles, those little holy moments filled with love and joy, of possibility, of laughter and connection. What if as you looked out over your weeks, and months, you had plenty of unplanned space to follow what feels good to you. What if you didn’t set one resolution, and just followed your bliss for a while? What if you asked “joy” what might it look like in your life this year? What might happen, what might become clear to you, what might be healed, what might unfold by giving yourself permission to not always be planned, and practice unplanned joy and bliss seeking?
May the unplanned moments in your life fill you with everything you need to remember you are loved, you are amazing, you are capable, you are divine, you are guided. So blessed to be on the journey with you! Xo
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