the Jill Saunders blog



June 5, 2021

It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged and connected with you. I kind of picked up a COVID slump, had family matters to attend to, and then just lost the juju to create and write. I am very grateful that it is returning! My heart is stirring again, my journal is filling up, I am resting and restoring, reconnecting with all sorts of beautiful people, I am spending as much time as I can in nature with toes in the grass. I am grateful for this natural process filling me up with creative life force again. I hope that you too are healing and restoring, finding life and beauty, nurturing yourself, caring for those you love.

So, I’m feeling inspired to share some helpful wisdom with you. If you are on the journey of replenishing and restoring, you might really like this!

A few weeks ago I was having a cracked tooth repaired. I knew that I was going to be recovering for an afternoon, so I went to the bookstore to see if I could find a good read. I was feeling like something inspirational. I found the most beautiful book! It is a compilation of teachings by a minister named Joseph Murphy. He passed away about 40 years ago, and his trust created a summary of his lectures and teachings called Grow Rich with the Power of Your Subconscious Mind.

The book is filled with affirmative prayers. Murphy suggests reading prayers in the morning, mid-day, and night, over the course of several months. He believes that this process helps to reset your subconscious and restore your connection to the Divine. Just what I need after slipping into a period of noticing problems and challenges, doubting possibilities.

I’d like to share two sentences from an affirmative prayer that really landed with me. The prayer starts, “I know that a problem has its solution within it in the form of a desire.” Then, a few sentences later, “I take my attention away from the problem, and dwell upon the reality of the fulfilled desire.” It was really beautiful when I let this sink in…yes, my desires are my solutions – pay attention to my desires! Then yes, focus on the desire being fulfilled! Don’t give the problem or challenge your attention or energy.

These sentences were just the wisdom I needed to make a shift back to my heart’s desires, the possibilities and dreams that fill me with joy and love. Maybe you are discerning what next after the last year? Go easy dear friend. Pay attention to those nudges and desires, follow you heart, follow what is calling you. Then give your desires your attention, shift away from focusing on problems or challenges. Imagine the desire fulfilled!

My heart’s desires are beginning to unfold again, my truth is smack dab in the middle of my heart. I’m going to let this wisdom sink in, and really practice it over the summer. My wish is that your heart’s desires bubble to the surface too, and that when you are ready, you begin to imagine them into being.

With much love and gratitude,


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