the Jill Saunders blog

Invite Magic…


December 29, 2018

Happy New Year!  I always love this time of year, when we pause and consider what next, what our dreams and intentions are for the year ahead.  I thought I’d share a story from my life about how the universe conspired to create with me when I set an intention.  My desire is that this is helpful to you in some way.

Several years ago I was working for the largest privately owned company in the world.  I was in a role where I supported leaders with their development.  The organization wanted us to be able to coach leaders, so they put us through coaching training with the Coaches Training Institute.

We spent several days in the training process with CTI.  I remember one long weekend was on the topic of fulfillment.  The process was about getting clear on your values, your vision for yourself…what filled you up.  I left at the end of the weekend with this feeling of “oh ____”…this is my life?  As I took a look at my life, I realized that I wasn’t fulfilled, that I was just going through the motions, day after day.

I went home that night, and sometime over the next couple of days I wrote a note to the universe, an intention that said “Please give me something fun to do to make the world a better place.”  I wrote it from my heart, I wanted more – I wanted to feel fulfilled and joyful doing something good.  This was my request to the universe.

Then it happened.  Over the next couple of weeks, I kept feeling this nudge to write in my journal.  So I  began to write.  Then, I wrote this saying, “When she headed off in the direction of her dream…she forgot to tell anyone where she was going…then she realized that was a good thing…because no one could tell her not to go…”  I smiled to myself – yes – this was a message for me…head off – go off in that direction of your dream – and don’t tell anyone!

So off I went.   I started writing in my journal, doodling, trying to find some way to create something from these sayings I was coming up with.  I made ugly prints and cards, I attempted to be creative.  I cut and pasted.  I made more ugly prints.   There was some part of me in my heart that said keep going!

Years later I’m still at it.  I think the products are looking better, and they have found their way into gift stores and people’s hands and hearts through art fairs.  But what I love the most about the process is getting the ideas, the messages.  I set that intention years ago for something fun to do to make the world better, and the universe came through, giving me the inspiration and words to create journals, cards, and prints.

So, here’s what I’ve learned about setting intentions:

  • I think intentions work best if they come from your heart, what is it that you truly desire in your heart.  Set intentions that align with your heart’s desires.
  • Release the intention, let it go into the world of infinite possibilities.  Don’t dwell on it.  Trust that the universe will go to work bringing it to you.
  • Be silent, pause, allow yourself to be guided.  Listen to your inner guidance and wisdom.  Then pay attention to what nudges you.  Pay attention to what calls your attention.  Follow the nudges, take the steps.  Co-conspire with the nudges from the universe, take action.
  • Notice what opens your heart, that’s a sure sign.  Notice what makes you feel good, happy, light-hearted.  Do more of that.
  • Pay attention to synchronicities.  Keep track of the messages and coincidences that are occurring.  This will help to build your confidence that the universe is working in your favor.
  • Consider keeping your intention private.  I have found that when I share with others, it can invite opinions, advice, and judgments that are unwanted.
  • If your intention isn’t coming to life, create a morning practice of thanking the universe for supporting your intentions, then release the intention.  Ask yourself if you have followed through on your nudges and intuition, do your part.  Ask, “what can I do today to support my intention?”  Act as if your intention is coming true, what would you do and how would you think if it was coming true.

My wish is that you will be able to put the difficulties, challenges, and suffering of 2018 behind you.  That  you can bring with you into the new year all that is good, a heart full of love, and a few intentions that invite magic, possibility, and joy into your life.  Seeing you headed off in the direction of your dream in 2019…




  1. Amy says:

    Great message!
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Jane Allman says:


  3. Sandra says:

    Beautiful, Jill. Thank you!

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