the Jill Saunders blog

Reset Practice #5: Dare to Dream


July 25, 2021

Welcome Back to the Summer 2021 RESET! This week, I’d like to share some tips and insights on this topic of DREAMING. The Summer 2021 process is following three steps:

  • Silence the Noise
  • Declare What’s Most Important
  • Take Inspired, Messy, Imperfect Action

Dreaming falls under the step of Declaring What’s Most Important.

Let’s be honest, who ever taught us how to have a dream? If you are anything like me, I didn’t get the notes on dreaming in my education, my coaching certifications (lots of talk about a vision, I like the magic of dreaming), or in my career. So, I’ve become a student of dreaming. I think dreaming, having something bigger than us that we either throw ourselves at or tip toe towards is CRITICAL to having a life of joy and magic.

In this blog post, let me share some tips and practices to get your dream in motion, to dare to dream again. Let’s gain some momentum by getting really clear on your dream, and beginning to experience the details of it coming to life.

If you don’t have a dream, if you are a little stuck, if you don’t believe dreams are possible for you, you are in the right place. Let me share some of my best tips on this topic of dreaming to get you launched in the right direction!

  • Get connected to your heart. Again, I believe our heart needs to be in the game. Dreams that are from the head + heart create possibility in your life. Dreams from just the head may not have the voice of your true desires. Practice the Heart Centered meditation to activate your heart wisdom and intelligence. (The Heart Centered meditation can be found in this week’s worksheet, right here: A little time each day, focusing on your heart, can open you up to new, creative ways forward. Living each day with an open heart puts magic in motion.
  • Check your mindset about dreams. Has your mindset grown negative? Are you discouraged? Do you tell yourself a story that dreams and new possibilities aren’t possible for you? If you are going through a difficult time, a good practice is to accept the challenge, THEN give yourself permission to dream again (Also, see RESET Practice #2 on Making Peace for some tips on acceptance!) Here’s the deal, what we know is that where your attention goes the energy flows. So if you are stuck in a mindset that the world is working against you, you’ll create more of that, more struggle, and difficulty. Here’s one no fail exercise I learned from a teacher to get the energy flowing if you are stuck. First, find the t-chart on this week’s worksheet: On the left side, make a list of what’s going on that you DON’T WANT in your life. List it out. List it all, what is going on right now that you DON’T WANT. Then, leap off what you DON’T WANT to get clear on what you DO WANT. Cross off what you DON’T WANT from the left column, and write the opposite of it, what you DO WANT in the right hand column. Yes, write the opposite in the right hand column. For example, you DON’T want struggle, stress, low energy – cross that off to get clear that you DO want is the opposite of that, you DO WANT ease, energy, vitality. If you do this exercise right, you’ll get a pretty clear list on all that DO want. Many times this exercise lifts your energy, and helps you to focus on a rewarding way forward. Bottom line, there’s magic of a dream that wants to be unlocked for you, only you can set it in motion by focusing on what you DO want.

– I unleash myself from the past by…

– The adventure I most want to experience is…

– I am most happy and joyful when I…

– When I let go of worry and concern, I want to…

– My best years are ahead, here’s why…

– A magical solution would be…

– No one would understand, but I most want to…

– I’m becoming a force of good, here’s how…

– Something perfect and sweet is happening, here’s what it is…

– I am most curious about exploring…

– I am most radiant when I…

– I really love to…

– My journey has uniquely prepared me to…

  • Speak Your Dream Into Existence. As I mentioned earlier, energy flows where you attention goes. So give your dream some attention to get the energy flowing! Love it up. It doesn’t work if you journal about your dream, then forget about it. Do spend time each day speaking your dream into existence, giving it some focus, let it unfold with your spoken word. This can be a perfect addition to your Heart Centered meditation. For 5 to 10 minutes a day, talk about your dream coming alive. Here are some prompts to get you going:

– “I see and feel ________.” (fill in with your dream)

– “I am so very grateful that __________ is happening now.” (get into the juicy details!)

– “I am experiencing such joy about __________.”

– “I now believe it is possible that _______.” (fill in with your dream coming true)

– “I am now _______” (fill in with your dream).

Talk about all the details of your dream as if it is happening now. Don’t hold back here, speak it out loud with emotion and excitement, with gratitude and joy, let the details get clearer and clearer. Feel as if it is happening. Ok, you may be saying to yourself this is a little silly. Remember this, what we know is that what we focus on expands, so give you dream some of your focus! Speak about it with an open heart, as if it’s unfolding right now.

  • Take Inspired Action. After you speak your dream into existence, ask yourself one more important question, “What inspiring, messy, imperfect action can I take today?” Then commit to doing it! (More on taking action in our next practice.)
  • If you are in a particular difficult time, and it’s hard to dream, start with following your joy. Ask for guidance on what would bring joy into your life. Then commit to being a joy seeker. What gives us joy is such a big clue. After seeking joy, you’ll find more wisdom and insight and nudges on a better way forward.

Bottom line here, don’t wait to have a dream, begin to dream now! Take an active role in listening to your heart + head, and listening to what your true desires are. Make it magical, joyful, exciting, playful, full of possibility. Next week, we’ll get focused on how to move toward your dream, with the spirit of beginning then doing all you can!

Here’s the link to this week’s worksheet again:

Do throw yourself into these tips. You deserve to have a dream.

With inspiration,


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