the Jill Saunders blog

Practice 1: Yoga


February 2, 2025

Hey dear friends. Overall, I’m doing really well over here! When I reflect on why, it’s because of my practices. I have several practices that I do everyday, or several times during the week. These practices source me with joy, resilience, creativity, energy. I am so grateful for each one! I thought I’d share more about my favorite practices, with the intent that it might be of service in some way. I’m really clear that these little practices, practiced again and again, set my life to unfold most days with beauty, grace, possibility, success.

Practice 1: Yoga! I practice yoga 3-4 times per week. I currently practice at the LifeTime Southdale club, and I’m in love with it. I’ve practiced yoga at many different studios over the years, and here’s what I’ve found the magic ingredients to be.

Breath Practice: I think yoga is best when the teacher is very intentional about cultivating breath during the class. If all you do in class is breath, you’ve done yoga. The oceanic breath called Ujjayi breath connects the body to movement, it focuses you on the poses – not the mind. So definitely lean into a practice where the teacher has breath as it’s foundation.

Varying Asana Sequences: I’ve practiced yogas at studios where you follow the same asana (poses) sequence each class, and where the teacher mixes it up. I love the mix! I think it’s good to have some consistency, Sun Salutation A, B, C. and then it’s really freeing to move in different sequences and experience the gift of all sorts of poses. If it seems overwhelming to mix it up, consider leaning in! Be confused for awhile, and I know for sure before you know it you’ll be combining asanas and stoking that internal fire.

Heat: I love the heat. I love a good sweat in yoga, detoxifying and clearing out what’s stuck. The heat for me is like some alchemic magic.

Community: One of the greatest gifts of yoga is the community. I’ve never met a yoga community that hasn’t uplifted me. I’m filled with gratitude when my yoga community notices I’m not there, then checks in with me when I’m back. I’m touched by the unsaid respect we have for each other, sweating our a*! off for 75 minutes, and showing up again, and again. It’s a place in the world filled with love, care, kindness, laughter. Who doesn’t need more of that?

So, if you are struggling, challenged, doubting, feeling dull – find a little yoga studio! Most studios have a free week where you can check it out.

Yoga has transformed my life in so many positive ways. I can’t imagine being in this world without it. If you want to chat about yoga, do reach out!

Namaste dear ones,


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