Hey loves. One of my favorite people to learn from is my son, Tyler. He’s truthful, good-hearted, works hard, laughs. We were visiting recently about a high-school friend of his who is being deployed to South Korea. I said to him, “why would anyone choose that path?” Without hesitation, he replied to me, “Mom, WE don’t judge people’s dreams. That’s what he wants, and WE don’t judge.” I loved the WE he was emphasizing. A firm reminder about the kind of people WE are. WE don’t judge. Thank you Tyler.
It got me thinking, this art of having a dream these days – it’s brave! My friend sharing her best talents in her small business, my yoga buddy starting a new endeavor, a creative I know from afar producing beauty in the world, my dad – wanting to live strong. All of them heart wide open, vulnerable, trusting, believing. I never want to judge their dream, or introduce doubt, or ask a delicate question. I want to celebrate them, lift them up, affirm greatness for them, believe with them.
Because of them, I’m inspired to dream in this wild world we live in!
I hope you too haven’t given up or resigned from this act of dreaming. I hope you haven’t slipped into a routine of all business and keeping your head above water. May you know, your dreams matter. Your dream was put in your heart for a reason. Your dream is an expression of your greatest desires, and by following it, you expand your gifts, talents, divine purpose. I believe in you too. I really do.
All dreamers, I’m in gratitude for you. Because of you, I dream bigger too.
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