Have you ever learned something that is a game-changer? Then, in your appreciation of how it has helped you, you want to let others know? That’s where I am today crew, I want to let you in on a little secret about HeartMath® tools and science.
HeartMath has been researching the science of coherence, and how to improve your heart/brain performance for over 25 years. You may be saying, that doesn’t mean anything to me, let me explain. Would you like to experience:
- More energy throughout the day, and for what matters most to you
- Increased and sustained resilience and vitality
- Enhanced intuition to respond to change or challenge
- Reduced worry, stress, and fatigue
- Reduced brain fog and improved clearer thinking
The HeartMath science, tools, and technology teach you simple tools you can implement in the course of your day to live with greater vitality! Personally, when I practice the HeartMath techniques I experience more energy, my brain is less foggy, less worry, more resilience and more energy to focus on what matters most to me. The tools and practices are easy to learn and simple to practice in the moment when stressful events are happening. You can learn to shift your physiology immediately so you don’t experience wear and tear on your system, and the negative impacts of stress. What I really love is that I can practice the tools without anyone knowing I am doing it. I can manage myself in difficult situations so it doesn’t drain my energy and leave me feeling depleted at the end of the day. I don’t have to wait for a walk after work or my yoga practice for a reset, I can reset in the moment during the day. I have a toolkit available anytime I need it.
Don’t just take my word for it, HeartMath has measured results with over 5,500 practitioners who have reported:
- 44% decrease in being tired
- 52% decrease in being anxious
- 52% less exhausted
- 61% less annoyed
(Before and after 6 weeks of practicing HeartMath techniques)
I’d love to share more! If this sounds interesting or intriguing, sign-up for a free 30 minute session with me to learn more about HeartMath 1:1 coaching. I also share HeartMath in a group setting, retreats, and workshops. (Free 30 Minute Session Sign-Up)
I’m not promising overnight success. But what I do know is that with sincere and genuine practice over time, you’ll have more resilience for all that is most important to you! Overwhelm, fatigue, and stress don’t need to be your new normal, let me teach you simple tools to reclaim a resilient and joyful way of living.
With care,
HeartMath is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech Inc. For all HeartMath trademarks go to www.heartmath.com/trademarks.
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