the Jill Saunders blog

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How can it be August already?  My summer has been busy…work projects, college orientation, a short vacation, college preparation…did I say Tyler is leaving in less then 30 days? Today I had a day all to myself – and summer got me good with a perfect nap on the hammock.  Summer seduced me to take […]


Hello Summer Nap…

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I love to travel with my son.  This past spring we took a vacation to Maui.  We love it there.  Many days we found ourselves on a secluded beach, tucked away.   To get to the beach we followed a path that tells me a little story about life, being chicken, and finding paradise.  Let me […]


Chicken In Paradise

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Dear friends and followers, Thank you for checking out this blog post.  Today I’m sharing a true story that happened a couple of years ago, that to this day, still makes me smile.  I’m sharing with the intent that it may help you in some way, give you some insight on how you can listen […]


Intimate Knowledge

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I was recently re-ordering this card and it reminded me of when I received the inspiration to create it.  I share this story with you with the intent that it may be helpful to you in some way, especially if you are going through a difficult stretch, a challenge, uncertainty! I was in between jobs […]



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Happy New Year!  I always love this time of year, when we pause and consider what next, what our dreams and intentions are for the year ahead.  I thought I’d share a story from my life about how the universe conspired to create with me when I set an intention.  My desire is that this […]


Invite Magic…

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I was recently working with a team that from the outside looking in was high performing. Quality deliverables, goals were met, customers were pleased, and sponsors knew the team was committed. When I sat with the team, their truth was a little tender. Team members were tired, some had trouble sleeping, frustration with the leader was high, the […]


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