the Jill Saunders blog

The Pause: Trust Your Inner English Teacher


September 4, 2023

I’m feeling so grateful over here. I’ll be honest, I was feeling a little discouraged when I got the feedback from the book publisher that they didn’t want to go ahead with the project. And, it caused a natural pause. A pause to consider how I want to live authentically and real and courageous and sincere and kind and generous. So I took a pause from it all.

And, wouldn’t you know, right when it’s time to go back to school, I’m ready to back to school too. The pause was perfect and filled with all sorts of miracles, and it kind of naturally untangled the little (or big) knot I was in about what to do.

So, I’m writing today to encourage the pause. Just take a break from whatever it is you are working so hard on, step away, get some distance, take a break. Stop thinking about it. Take a pause. Let the miracle of pausing go to work for you. Let the pause last a little longer than you think it can last. Then one day, I promise, you’ll know it’s time to begin again. The Universe will stir up the perfect clarity, insight, love, inspiration, care for you, no doubt…it will find you, I promise.

Thinking about pausing and going back to school reminded me of this saying I wrote awhile ago. It kind of makes me smile because English was always my hardest subject. I remember my freshman year in college I got a B- in English after writing some kind of reflection of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. WTF? That was education? Grab it right here to remind you that whatever life punctuation you choose, there are no corrections. Your Inner English Teacher knows what you need, please trust.

With love,


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