Welcome to Practice #3: Listening to Life’s Whispers! For those of you just joining, over the last two weeks, I’ve been blogging about practices to help with a little Summer 2021 Reset. The Summer 2021 Reset is following these three steps:
- Silence the Noise
- Declare What’s Most Important
- Take Inspired, Messy, Imperfect Action
The posts I’ve shared so far have been about Silencing the Noise in our life, so we can hear the whispers, nudges, and guidance wanting to get our attention.
This week I’ve got one more blog post on Silencing the Noise, it’s about Listening to Life’s Whispers. You see, I think you would agree, life can get a little noisy sometimes. We wake up in a day filled with family and work responsibilities, news feeds, social media, e-mail. So many things wanting our attention. And, that doesn’t include the challenges in our life, the hard stuff we may be going through, the difficulties that require our energy.
So this week I want to share a simple practice to Silence the Noise and become more intentional about Listening to Life’s Whispers, the guidance on a way forward. After reading this post and following along with the worksheet, I want you to be able to hear more clearly and pay attention to what is calling for your attention! So if you’ve had some nudges that you’ve been ignoring, a dream that has been put on the back burner, or maybe just feeling a little discontent or dissatisfied with life, this practice is for you!
Here’s how this week’s practice works, with details in this weeks worksheet:
- Silence the Noise – Tune Into Your Heart: Follow the guided meditation in this week’s worksheet to shift your attention to that wise, helpful, insightful, resilient, beautiful heart! Use it as a way to get centered and connect to that inner knowing. This practice is especially helpful if your inner critic is noisy and loud, talking you out of every possibility, and discouraging you. Here’s the worksheet with the heart meditation (Note: the link is in a really light color, but it’s there, do click!): https://jilldianesaunders.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Reset-Practice-3-Listening-to-Whispers.pdf (Also, if you have a prayer or meditation practice you really like, do substitute it here! The key here is to shift out of the noise into a space of silence.)
- Listen to Your Whispers: With this step, answer three insightful questions, ideally, each day of the week for a week. Journal on these questions after you have silenced the noise with the guided heart meditation. Doing this will help you pay attention to what is whispering to you, what is trying to get your attention. A daily practice with these questions will help you to prime the pump of your creativity and possibility. If you aren’t able to answer a question, no worries, just write about what is on your heart and try again the next day. If daily is an obstacle, do what you can. The questions are:
- What is bringing you joy and happiness? What makes you joyful?
- What are your true desires for the next 6-12 months? What is calling for your attention?
- What can you do to begin to pave the way towards your desires? How can you put your desires in motion today?
- Head vs. Heart: Then, each day, complete an exercise where you journal about what your head is saying to you about your desires, that inner critic or ego, and compare it to what your heart is saying. Raising our awareness of that voice of the inner critic, and amplifying the voice of the heart will bring peace and joy to putting your desires in motion. A sample of this might be…Head: It will never work, you won’t be successful at it, you don’t have time for it. Heart: Believe in your intuition, start taking steps, find an ally to support your dream.
Do checkout this week’s worksheet where you’ll have all the details on how to focus on your heart, white space to reflect on the three questions, then journal on what your head is saying about your way forward vs. your heart. You can find the worksheet link right here (Note: the link is in a really light color, do click, it’s there!): https://jilldianesaunders.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Reset-Practice-3-Listening-to-Whispers.pdf Again, ideally you’d complete these steps each day of the week for a week, to set your creativity and possibility thinking in motion. You never know when that perfect nudge or whisper will find your pen and paper, when that magic will find you! Commit to daily journaling and watch what opens up, how you may be inspired!
When we take time to listen to these inner nudges, it creates a source of joy, satisfaction, excitement, our heart opens. All these are perfect signs that you are headed in a direction of a little magic, adventure, creativity, inspiration, and your dreams! Please do go!
Up next, we will continue the momentum by beginning to Declare What’s Most Important. We’ll explore the practices of Gratitude Bathing, Clarifying Our Core Values, Declaring Our Dream. All really cool practices to build on the listening you are starting this week.
Wishing you a week of hearing your whispers!
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