the Jill Saunders blog

Listening to the Whispers (Blog Post 2 in a 4 Part Series)


January 18, 2020

I love to listen. I love to listen to people, friends, family, the Universe, God. In this post (#2 in a 4 part series), I’ll share tips and insights for how you can listen to the whispers, nudges, guidance, insight, inspiration from the Universe meant just for you.

In the last blog post, we talked about asking God or the Universe questions about what brings our heart alive. We asked the questions, and then let them go. In this post, we will explore ways to tune into the answers, to listen.

After I make a request of God or the Universe, whether it’s about bringing my heart alive or another topic, I follow these simple practices:

  • I affirm with certainty that my request for guidance, insights, direction will be answered. I say to myself “thank you for the insight, guidance, direction.” I affirm it will come. Then I release it knowing that when the time is right AND when I’m ready to listen I’ll get clearer. I think often times we do receive the guidance and wisdom, but don’t take the time to listen, or we discredit the nudge.
  • I give it space. This can be hard. We want the insight or guidance right away. The practice is to give it some space, don’t expect an immediate answer. Ask the question or request guidance, then let it go. It could take some time to get clarity.
  • I create time and space to listen. I’ll share here what works for me.
    • One way to create time and space is to have a prayer or meditation practice. When I pray I say “thank you God for the wisdom, insight, guidance on _____________.” Then I sit there, in silence, focus on breathing through my heart area. I notice how I feel. Do I feel joyful, happy, expansive? Do I feel excited? These are signs I’m headed in the right direction. Does it feel heavy or constricted, am I feeling flat? I take these as signs too that I need to pay attention. If it doesn’t feel as good, that’s a message. Paying attention to how we feel is a source of guidance.
    • Another way to listen is to pay attention to nudges. The best way I can describe these is to pay attention to what you feel pulled to do. Do you feel like riding a bike, or going for a walk, do you feel like playing golf, or creating? These may be nudges to slow down your racing mind so that you can get a fresh idea or insight on how to move forward. Do you feel nudged to call someone, or explore a new job, or put a plan together for a new business? These are nudges to take action to move forward in a more positive direction. Often times we discount the nudges, these can’t mean anything we say. I think this is how God talks to us, the whispers and nudges can seem insignificant but when paid attention to can create a movement towards our desires.
    • Another way to listen is to write or journal. If you want guidance on a specific situation or an answer to a question, fall still. I like the practice of breathing through my heart area to quiet my mind. Ask the question or ask for guidance. Then, I begin writing in my journal or typing ideas or inspiration that is in my consciousness. You may want to do this as part of your prayer and meditation practice, have time set aside to write. Just free write with the intention you are getting clear guidance.
    • I think guidance, nudges, and whispers come best when we are taking a break from thinking. I’ve gotten ideas for journals when I’m driving to the grocery store or walking through the airport. Maybe in the shower or when you are waking up in the morning. What are those times in your day when you aren’t thinking hard and are relaxed? Pay attention to what may pop into your consciousness. I believe this is why it’s important to have some downtime, to create some silent periods. If you are always tuned in to social media, Netflix, music, the radio in the car, there’s not as much space to hear the guidance, nudges, and whispers. Be ok with having a little silence in your life.
    • Being in nature is another great way to be close to guidance and nudges. There’s something magical that can happen when we get close to trees, lakes, oceans.

So when you want to get clearer on what brings your heart alive, or you have a specific situation you’d like guidance on, take time to create a little silence. Take a break from thinking so hard about it. Einstein has a quote, “I think 99 times and I find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in silence, and the truth comes to me.” Ask the question, request the guidance, then release it. Swim in the silence and see what comes back to you!

So, in this blog post series we’ve explored paying attention to what brings our heart alive (blog post 1) and listening to guidance and whispers (blog post 2). In blog post 3 we’ll look at the practice of Shining and Surrendering, how to take inspired Bold Action towards what brings our hearts alive. In blog post 4 we’ll wrap it up with being really gentle on ourselves.

Thanks for checking this out! Wishing you happy listening!

With love,


  1. Jane says:

    Love this Jill! My best insights come when I’m running or walking the dogs!

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